Thursday, April 25, 2013

Police Chief Mark Becker Provides Crime Report for East Chicago

Mark J. Becker, Chief of Police, today made the following announcement;

Crimes reported to the East Chicago Police Department, which have been submitted to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) for the first quarter of 2013, reflect an increase in property crime, as well as a dramatic drop in violent crime in comparison to crimes reported for the same period in 2012.

The FBI UCR program documents 4 crimes, referred to as “violent crimes”, which include murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault.  The program also documents an additional 4 crimes, referred to as “property crimes”, which include burglary, larceny/theft, motor vehicle theft and arson.

For the first quarter of 2013 (January-March), East Chicago reported a total of 449 crimes in comparison to 406 for the same period in 2012, or an increase of 10%. “Property” crimes (408 versus 328) increased 24% and instances of “Violent” crime (41 versus 78) dropped a significant 47%.  It is noted that violent crime in 2012 was reduced 14% from 2011 totals and it was a year of only 4 murders, among the lowest numbers in the city’s history.  

In 2011, based upon these same UCR numbers, the City of East Chicago had been proclaimed the most violent city in Northwest Indiana (per capita).  Since that time the department has undertaken several steps to turn that trend and increase the level of public safety afforded to those who visit, reside and/or call this city their home.

Aggressive community outreach programs, walking and meeting with residents and business owners, increased police presence via traffic and patrol activities, strategic partnerships with Federal, State and Local agencies and crime mapping and analytical assistance provided by IUN, Gary Campus are among several factors attributable to the marked decline in violent crime.

This is not a proclamation of a victory, but hopefully an indication that the City of East Chicago is headed in the correct direction.  The men and women of this department, both those on the street and those in valued support positions, are to be commended for their dedication and professionalism to our mission.      

A quarterly summary of crimes reported to the FBI’s UCR for the years of 2011-2013
is set forth below;

Uniform Crime Reports

East Chicago, Indiana
January - March Totals


  1. We as a community need to do our part to help prevent these crimes from happening. It doesn't bother people until it happens to them. Like it did my family. We need to protect each other as well. ECPD does a fine job to me and I'm sure others feel the same way. Keep up the good job ECPD! Because I'm going to beef up mine. God Bless.

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